Went into Manhattan yesterday to do some XMas shopping/hang out a bit with Aaron and Jen Rosenberg. We hit Jim Hanley’s Universe (best comic book shop in the country, in my opinion), the Hello Kitty Store (gah. Japanese pop-culture cuteness. Brrrr…), and Virgin MegaStore Times Square (why is it when I’m out holiday shopping, I can never find anything for the people I’m buying for, but can find TONS of stuff that I want? It happens every year. Ah well–I was good though, didn’t buy a thing for myself).

Every time I go into Manhattan, I’m reminded of why I moved back here, and the fact that I REALLY don’t like living in New Jersey. I didn’t come back to this area to live in the suburbs. Recently, I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. Basically, I’m coming down to the point where I’ve decided to either move back to the City, or just give up and move back to Kansas and revel in the lower cost of living. The question is which one. Both options have an almost equal number of pros and cons, so, as you might imagine, I’m pretty torn.

After Aaron and Jen headed out to another appointment, Laura and I took my daughter Allie and her friend Enya to the Loews Time Square to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The film is a lot darker than the last one, and, oddly, feels very “abridged”…although I was stunned to note that nearly 3 hours had passed while we were in there. I have to admit though, I like the films enough that I find myself looking forward to seeing how they handle Prisoner of Azkaban.

We also got a preview for The Two Towers…which, combined with the repeated viewings I’ve given to material on the new expanded DVD of Fellowship of the Ring has got me absolutly FROTHING for fantasy right now.

That’s it for now–I’m actually going to try to get some more writing done. I’ve pretty much given up on the deadline for National Novel Writing Month, but I’m going to stick with what I’ve been doing until it’s done, either way.



Still proceeding very slowly on the novel. I don’t know what’s up, really. I’ve got an idea of where the plot is heading, but for some reason actually putting the words together is like pulling teeth (my problem is usually the other way around).

Frustrating as all hell.

So, because I really should be writing the novel instead of writing this, I’ll chuck some links your way, and leave it at that for now:

Goblin problems in Zimbabwe…don’t you just hate it when that happens? Glad I live in a first-world country, where we had the good sense to round up our Goblins and banish them.

…and, for those of you whose taste in fantasy is a bit darker, here’s a great article about the occult theories in the Son of Sam case. Perfect modern horror RPG material.

Anyway…that’s it for now, kids. I’ve got more teeth to pull.


A Swing to the Right

Republican victory….blah blah blah….history-making mandate….blah blah blah.

As you can tell, I’m less than enthused about the results of yesterday’s elections…but, then again, I don’t think it’s the end of the world for the left, either. In fact, a little bit of critical thought about it today leads me to believe that this could actually re-vitalize the Democratic party–hopefully teaching them that “more centrist than thou” isn’t a viable strategy for them. Bring ’em back to the left, where they belong. Get the hold-overs of the 70s and 80s out of the positions of party leadership–shake it up, get radical again. Put some “give ’em hell” liberal in the fore-front , and start actually saying what the left STANDS for, instead of trying to convince John Q Public that they’re somehow Republican Lite.

Plus, when the economy and everything else goes all pear-shaped in the next two years, the Republicans will have nobody to blame but themselves, which I’m looking forward to with glee.

‘Course, I might be more optimistic than most, because the Democrats won in New Jersey.

In other news, got my ass kicked with deadlines at work for the past three days, and, subsequently, have fallen woefully behind on my novel.

I think I’ll blame the Republicans for that, too.