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Products in Print
Romance of the Seven Realms. Troy, NY: Ad Astra Games, 2024.
Far West: Western-Wuxia Mashup Adventure Game. Lawrence, KS: Adamant Entertainment, 2024.
Star Trek Adventures: Tricorder Collector’s Boxed Set. London, UK: Modiphius Entertainment, 2018.
Star System: Every Star A Destination. Lawrence, KS: Adamant Entertainment, 2020
Axanar: Ships of the Four Years War for Squadron Strike! Troy, NY: Ad Astra Games, 2019.
Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game. Roseville, MN: Fantasy Flight Games, 2018.
Star Wars: Force and Destiny — Unlimited Power. Roseville, MN: Fantasy Flight Games, 2018.
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion — Cyphers And Masks. Roseville, MN: Fantasy Flight Games, 2018.
Star Trek Adventures: Beta Quadrant Sourcebook. London, UK: Modiphius Entertainment, 2018.
Star Trek Adventures: Core Rulebook . London, UK: Modiphius Entertainment, 2017.
Fiasco ’12: Fiasco Playset Anthology Vol 3 . Chapel Hill, NC: Bully Pulpit Games, 2015.
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Sourcebook . Oxford, UK: Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2015.
Doctor Who: Adventures In Time And Space – Limited Edition Rulebook . Oxford, UK: Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2014.
“Exit Visa”, Have Blaster Will Travel . Washington, NJ: Galileo Books, 2012
Defending The Earth: The UNIT Sourcebook . Oxford, UK: Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2012.
Doctor Who: Adventures in Times and Space (Eleventh Doctor Edition) . Oxford, UK: Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2012.
Tales of the Far West . Lawrence, KS: Adamant Entertainment, 2012.
The Villainomicon . Oxford, UK: Adamant Entertainment and Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2011.
Editor, Peril in Freeport . Oxford, UK: Adamant Entertainment and Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2011.
Editor, Warpath: Rules for Mass Combat . Oxford, UK: Adamant Entertainment and Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2010.
ICONS: Superpowered Roleplaying . Oxford, UK: Adamant Entertainment and Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2010.
Doctor Who: Aliens & Creatures. Oxford, UK: Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2010.
Editor, Starblazer Adventures . Oxford, UK: Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2009.
Tome of Secrets . Oxford, UK: Adamant Entertainment and Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2009.
MARS: A Roleplaying Game of Planetary Romance . Oxford, UK: Adamant Entertainment and Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2008.
Thrilling Tales . Oxford, UK: Adamant Entertainment and Cubicle 7 Entertainment, 2008.
ePublishing 101 (with Philip Reed). Lawrence, KS: Adamant Entertainment, 2007.
Editor, Torg – Revised and Expanded. Downington, PA: West End Games, 2005.
Editor, D6 Space Ships. Downington, PA: West End Games, 2005.
Corsair: The Definitive D20 Guide to Ships. Lawrence, KS: Adamant Entertainment, 2004.
Strange Lands: Lost Tribes of the Scarred Lands . Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing, 2004.
Wyrd is Bond . Cleveland, OH: Key20 Publishing, 2003.
Skull & Bones . Renton, WA: Green Ronin Publishing, 2003.
Blue Dragon, White Tiger. Guelph, ON: Guardians of Order, 2002.
“Schloss Fenris,” Hell In The Hedgerows . Gilbert, AZ: Pinnacle Entertainment Group, 2000.
Editor, The Last Exodus. Nutley, NJ: Synister Creative Systems, 2001
Unknown Armies: Hush Hush — the Sleepers Sourcebook . St. Paul, MN: Atlas Games, 2000.
Deadlands Hell on Earth: Shattered Coast . Gilbert, AZ: Pinnacle Entertainment Group, 2000.
UnderWorld: An Adventure Game of Subterranean Urban Fantasy. Nutley, NJ: Synister Creative Systems, 2000.
Editor, GURPS Traveller: Starports . Austin, TX: Steve Jackson Games, 1999.
Star Trek — Vulcans: The Way of Kolinahr . Los Angeles, CA: Last Unicorn Games, 1998.
Editor, The Triad Sourcebook . Lawrence, KS: Event Horizon Productions, 1997.
To Live and Die in HK . Lawrence, KS: Event Horizon Productions, 1997.
“From Hell To Breakfast”, Shades of Noir . Orlando, FL: Archon, 1997.
HKAT! Film Festival #1 . Lawrence, KS: Event Horizon Productions, 1997. (Origins Award Nominee)
Hong Kong Action Theatre! Lawrence, KS: Event Horizon Productions, 1996.
Immortal: Serenades- The First Book of Powers . Tempe, AZ; Precedence Publishing, 1996.
Age of Empire: A Roleplaying Game of Mad Victorian Fantasy . Lawrence, KS: Epitaph Studios, 1995.
Periphery: Science Fiction Roleplaying On The Edge . Lawrence, KS: Epitaph Studios, 1993.
Star Trek Adventures: Mission Briefs – Cold War. London, UK: Modiphius Entertainment, 2023.
“Flying Chariot, Standing,” Legend of the Five Rings . Roseville, MN: Fantasy Flight Games, 2017.
Touring Rock Band 2 (Fiasco Playset of the Month, December 2012) , with Chris Bennett, Jobe Bittman, Logan Bonner, Per Fischer, James Gabrielsen, Stephen Granade, Jérôme Larré, Jason Morningstar, Megan Pedersen, Dan Puckett, John Rogers, and Steve Segedy. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Bully Pulpit Games, 2012.
HK TPK (Fiasco Playset of the Month, August 2012) , with Corey Reid and John Rogers. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Bully Pulpit Games, 2012.
Tales of the Far West (digital edition) . Lawrence, KS: Adamant Entertainment, 2012.
Transmedia Developer, Far West . June, 2011-Present. .
Gaming eBooks — Far too many to list — some 250-odd digital releases for roleplaying games listed and available here. , Lawrence, KS: Adamant Entertainment, 2003-Present.
“Game Design, Step-by-Step.” RPGnet. Sandy Antunes, editor. October 26th, 1999 through July 13, 2000 .