Ya Damne Righte!

Ganked from (who got it elsewhere)….I know the various Rennie/English Major types who read this will enjoy, verily:

“Shaft” by Geoffrey Chaucer

Wha be tha blake prevy lawe
That bene wantoun too alle tha feres?
Ya damne righte!

Wha be tha carl tha riske is hals wolt
Fro is allye leve?
Konne ye?

Wha be tha carl wha ne wolden flee
Whan peril bene all aboughte?

Alle clepe tha carl ane badde mooder-
Speken of Shaft bene I.

He be a man konne unnethes
Namo save is mayde konnes im.

Do They Think We Have Short Memories?

Gotta love this. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) was on Meet The Press this weekend (link to transcript), talking about the CIA Leak investigation and the near-inevidable indictments that are coming….and she said that she hoped “that if there is going to be an indictment that says something happened, that it is an indictment on a crime and not some perjury technicality where they couldn’t indict on the crime and so they go to something just to show that their two years of investigation was not a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.”

Yeah, you read that right: “some perjury technicality.”

For those of you who haven’t been paying attention, this is the same Kay Bailey Hutchison that voted in favor of both counts of impeachment against Bill Clinton.

For perjury.

On February 17th, 1999, she said, according to the Congressional record:

“I do not hold the view of our Constitution that there must be an actual, indictable crime in order for an act of a public officer to be impeachable. It is clear to this Senator that there are, indeed, circumstances, short of a felony criminal offense, that would justify the removal of a public officer from office, including the President of the United States. Manifest injury to the Office of the President, to our Nation and to the American people and gross abuse of trust and of public office clearly can reach the level of intensity that would justify the impeachment and removal of a leader.”

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Republican.