Miss Out On FAR WEST?

Did you miss out on the FAR WEST Kickstarter? Would you like an opportunity to get a copy of the Limited Edition leatherbound hardcover when it’s released, while at the same time helping a British chef open a traditional fish-and-chips shop here in Lawrence, KS?

Here’s the deal. My friend Matt Poulton is opening Queen Lizzy’s Fish and Chips, and is currently running an IndieGoGo crowdfunding project to raise capital for some improvements in time for opening. I’d like to help, in the best way that I can.

The FAR WEST Kickstarter was an exclusive. The materials offered will not be made available again, and I know a lot of folks missed the chance, because I’m contacted daily with questions about how they might be able to get on board. However, I did promise the backers that their contributions would be rewarded by exclusive content, and I’m going to uphold that promise.

However, when we print the Limited Edition hardcover of the adventure game, there will be an overprint (there always is — we can secure a more affordable per-copy price by printing at the next highest quantity, for example, and all printers equipment usually results in an overprint of as much as 5% of total quantity), and from that overprint, I will be receiving my personal Author’s Copies.

So here’s what I’m willing to do: I will give away TEN of my Author’s Copies of the leatherbound FAR WEST Adventure Game Limited Edition. I will give these copies to the first ten people who donate $100 or more to the Queen Lizzy’s IndieGoGo project (linked above). Just send me your confirmation email as proof, I’ll confirm with Matt Poulton, and send you a copy when they’re printed and ship out to our Kickstarter backers.

You will not receive any of the bonus material from the Kickstarter (the Legends of the Far West supplement, the Tales of the Far West short story anthology, the PDF of the Town of Prosperity, the T-shirt, or the poster map). But you will receive a copy of the game itself, taken from my personal copies.

So, you if you want FAR WEST, here’s your chance! As they say on television, quantities are limited, and operators are standing by. Fund that Chippy and make this happen!

Queen Lizzy’s

A good friend of mine, Matt Poulton, is a British chef living here in the wilds of Kansas. (Love will do strange things to you, apparently — he’s married to a local.)

He’s getting read to launch a new restaurant here in Lawrence — a traditional English fish-and-chips joint (AKA a chippy). Fish, chips, bacon butty, battered sausage, doner kebab, curry, etc. — wonderful stuff. He’s got a space lined up, and is currently running an IndieGoGo project (similar to Kickstarter, which you’re quite aware of if you’re reading my blog) in order to give him a bit of a launch cushion — helping secure some new equipment, do a bit of renovation, etc.

I would VERY MUCH like to see this succeed. Please consider chucking a few dollars his way — he’s got some nice rewards, even if you’re not local to the area. Every little bit helps. (Full disclosure — I’m involved in this as well: I’m handling his graphic design (did his logo, for example) and consulting on marketing & operations.)

You can check out the project (including the promo video that I put together) by clicking here and visiting his page on IndieGoGo.


Er…I mean: please. (Must be polite. Must always be polite.)

World Cup and Birthday Cook-Out.

This is mostly for the local folks —

My birthday this year is on a Sunday. The day before, however, is a big glorious Saturday — Saturday, June 12th, in fact. A date which hold special significance as the day that the United States will play our first World Cup match — versus England.

So, here’s the plan, for folks what are interested: A group of like-minded hooligans will be descending upon The Red Lyon pub here in Lawrence to watch the match, which starts at 1:00 p.m. local time. We’ll probably be heading over at noon-noonthirty in order to secure prime location.

We will watch Footy and drink many pints.

Then, after the game (roughly 4ish), we will return to Minas Skarka, where various meats will be charred over coals, more drinks shall be had, and celebrations of a vaguely birthdayish nature shall occur.

Drop me an email or comment below to let me know if you’re joining us for either leg of the day’s epic events.

(Non-locals: Can’t attend? Feeling left out? Feel free to get in on the birthday festivities! My Amazon wish-list is up to date. :) )