Welcome to your New Country, America….

(From the Seattle Times, via Boing Boing) The Transportation Safety Administration apparently has now taken it upon themselves to start policing thoughtcrime. Remember, kids—it’s not bombs or boxcutters that are the threat. It’s “Anti-American Attitudes.”

Not, of course, that you’re ever going to hear about this from any of the major networks or cable news outlets.


Remember the classic electronic board game from the 80s–Dark Tower? Click the link to a brilliant bit of web time-wastage: You can play it on-line!

In other news, re-location back to the Kansas City area may be in the offing for this summer. Events have been set in motion. More on this as it develops.


If you’re looking to be irritated, check out this link (found via the comments section on Patrick Nielsen Hayden’s website): a tally of all of the heinous BS pulled by Bush since day 1 of his junta. Read, absorb, take a calming breath, and then go out and beat the living crap out of a Nader voter. Because, after all, we have their self-righteous asses to thank for the current situation. If they complain while you’re pounding on them, just tell them that you’re only doing it “to send a message to the major parties.”

For the writers in the audience, here’s an exercise for you: Go to this “action film trailer generator”, generate some random goodness, and run with the ideas it gives you. For example:

In a lost universe of blasphemy, a psychiatrist and a philosopher fight an army of psychics intent on stealing the source of all magic.

Cool, yes? Or how about:

In a hellish kingdom, in an era of mysteries and secrets, five spies quest for revenge and oppose a horde of murderers intent on stealing the souls of the innocent.

Novel? Screenplay? Comic? Game? Your call. But there’s no shortage of ideas….