Don’t Let Them Get Away With It.

It’s happening again.

An obvious, inexcusable and not remotely ignorable fuck-up by Bush and Co. is going to be white-washed away. AGAIN.

The litany is depressingly long. Bin Laden. Abu Ghraib. The War. Bush’s National Guard AWOL. The media takes the White House’s word for it, and 52% of the American people say “Yup, that’s good enough for us!”….and now it’s happening with Bush’s “Fiddling While New Orleans Sinks” response to hurricane Katrina.

Recently, both the Washington Post and Newsweek acted as the PR department for the White House again, reguritating the Bush party line that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco’s hesitancy to declare a state of emergency had prevented the feds from responding to the crisis more rapidly. The Neo-Cons have decided that images of bodies are too powerful, and the American people are demanding action….so they’ve decided to “swift-boat” someone to take the fall for Bush.

However, Governor Blanco DID issue a State of Emergency Declaration (linked here in PDF)…two full days BEFORE the Hurricane made landfall.

Don’t let them get away with it again. Please. Forward this link to any news source you see pushing that story. With the death of Renquist and the coming Roberts confirmation, it will be too easy for yet another Bush atrocity to slip from the headlines. When is this motherfucker going to be held accountable?

KCRF First Weekend: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

The Good:

  • Performing the show for audiences, most of whom seem to enjoy it, and get the jokes.
  • Getting to kiss 4 times a day, in front of said audience.
  • Hearing from that a woman raved about our show to her, and compared us to the Tortuga Twins.
  • playing it straight, which makes it even more funny when she says something goofy.
  • ‘s adlibs that floor the audience, and break my character (“I don’t sin nearly as much as I thought! I’M NOT GOIN’ TO HELL!!!”)
  • Seeing people that I don’t nearly get to see enough.
  • letting us use her shop as a base of operations, which helps us tremendously. (Kudos to her minion as well, for not sneezing and exploding in her bodice!)
  • Not doing parade.

The Bad:

  • OW. Crippled. Even with sitting down a lot.
  • Attendance sucked. We only had 4,000 people on opening day (about a third of what it should’ve been).
  • As a result, hat-passing resulted in about half of what we were told to expect by other shows last year.
  • The weather Saturday was abyssmal, due to the humidity. It almost dropped me at about 2:00, if not for the efforts of Mistress Sable, quick with some ice, a fan and a mug of ‘s iced mint tea.
  • Small cast, and most of them are unseasoned…so the lanes pretty much suck.
  • Hearing tables of crafters at dinner on Sunday night mocking the ass-tastic farce that is the scenario. The reputation of KCRF sinks even lower.

The Ugly:

  • Morale is in the shitter. The cast is still losing people daily, and the Entertainment Staff seems clueless. (I suppose when you surround yourself with your fellow Stone Church parishoners, all of whom tell you that every move you make is brilliant, it’s easy to lose perspective). They’ve cancelled the after-hours pub for the performers, and the cast party. We literally get no opportunity to unwind on site, or celebrate our achievements with eachother. I’ve heard perfomers say that they won’t make it through the run. I’ve heard performers say that they’re not coming back next week, for chrissakes. Wake up, Jim. You’re losing it.
  • This, apparently, is the “We Don’t Give A Fuck” Festival. Empty shops, shops still being repaired while customers are in the lanes, prices for special events raised while the food and perks of those events are being reduced and run on the cheap, shoe-string event-by-event insurance coverage rather than blanket coverage for the site, etc. It’s hard to shake the feeling that the whole thing is being run on a shoestring, for the express purpose of being a tax write-off loss leader for the Minnesota festival. KCRF is 2 years into their 5-year trial period for the lease extension, by which time they have to have a permanent year-round events building on site, and they haven’t broken ground yet. I’m betting that Peterson will run out the 5 years, and then close the show, getting as much money out of it as he can without putting anything in.

I’m hoping that The Ugly and The Bad don’t end up overwhelming The Good for us this year. I love doing this, but the scales are dangerously close to equilibrium right now.