We’ve Got Great Friends…..

Plugging away at work today…until I was interrupted by a delivery.

The item? A completely unexpected and fantastic Yule present from and :

The 28 episodes of the first season of Mission: Impossible on DVD. Hooray for Spies!

You guys rock. Thank you so much!

You Can’t Make This Shit Up — A Continuing Series.

Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Maryland), the incoming House majority leader has stated that Congress will start work on January 4th, and will be working full five-day work weeks.

The Republicans, architects of the three day Congressional work week (plus recesses), are going apeshit.

This priceless nugget from Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.):

“Keeping us up here eats away at families […] Marriages suffer. The Democrats could care less about families — that’s what this says.”

The next two years are going to be glorious.

Water on Mars!!!

NASA is currently holding a press conference, where they have revealed that a new study of photographs taken from orbit suggests that liquid water flowed on the surface of Mars as recently as several years ago, raising the possibility that the red planet could harbor an environment favorable to life.

In celebration, I offer the following: David Bowie – “Life on Mars.”

Perfect timing, since we’re finally releasing our MARS RPG later this month (link goes to a free preview).