Lightwave Help?

Assistance required from the IntarWebs assemblage:

I’m looking to dive into 3D modeling and animation. This is a Mac household. I’m thinking that Lightwave is my best bet. (My goal is starships-in-space kinda stuff — ship designs, and movement through space, etc.)

Can anyone out there help me….ah….er….acquire a copy? Used, whatever — it doesn’t have to be the latest New Hotness, just enough that I can make it work, and recent enough that the output looks good.

Any tutorial resources would be appreciated as well.

Help me, O Friends Who Live In My Computer, you’re my only hope…

The New Enterprise

A shot of the new Enterprise from J.J. Abrams’ re-boot of “Star Trek” has hit the intarwebs:

It’ll take some getting used to — the secondary hull juts a bit too far forward, and thins out too rapidly to stern, but overall, the lines are there. With this redesign, though, there’s no denying that this is a re-boot.