More 10th Doctor

Looks like we’re going to get a bit more Tennant after all.

His last three specials are set to air in November and then around Christmastime (a two-parter which will see him regenerate into the 11th Doctor), but before those come around we’re going to get some more:

The Doctor will appear in a two-part episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures, which will air before the next special.

Plus, the BBC have announced another animated webseries featuring The Doctor, called “Dreamland”, which will also debut in Autumn (and most likely end up on DVD, just like the previous one, “The Infinite Quest”).

…and of course, there are still the persistent rumors of a big-screen movie… the BBC have admitted that a script is in development, but of course that means that any film is probably years away, which means someone other than Tennant in the role. (and if they keep to film tradition, someone completely different than any TV-screen Doctor)

We’re Expecting….

I’ve mentioned this to a few folks offline, but figured I’d make the general friends-only announcement: and I are expecting another kid…

No, not like that. :)

My younger daughter will be coming out to Kansas and living with us while attending high school. She and her mom reached the point of mutual frustration, and we’ve all decided that it would be better for her to be here.

and I are very happy about this, as we see it as an opportunity to try and add some positive influence and encouragement. The younger daughter (who needs a nickname… the oldest was The Minion, so I’ll have to come up with something by which to refer to her here.) is *extremely* talented in several creative arts, but those weren’t really valued in my Ex’s household — and so she was denied opportunities (which my Ex viewed as “rewards” for performing in traditional areas). I welcome the chance to show my daughter that not only can she study her talents in school, but she can also do them for a living.

So, it turns out that despite successfully launching The Minion off to college, we’re not quite done with the parenting thing! (Not that you’re ever “done” — but you know what I mean. “Just when I thought I was out — they pull me back in!”)