Thank you. After an evening with my family, I fucking needed that.
I am very pleased to know you, you wonderfully sick bastard
And he swore, long ago, that he would never use his Photoshop powers for evil.
The plight of elves is a tragedy of modern times. We should take a moment at this special time of year to think of them, and pray that George Bush sees fit to add the North Pole to the Axis of Evil.
There was no Elven Holocaust! There, I said it.
Best. Holiday. Post. Evar.
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That is so disturbing. I like it.
WRONGNESS LURVE! Awesome. It made me giggle.
You’re a sick, sick man. Thats why I love ya.
Very naughty. I laughed my ass off.
You’re wierd.
I like that.
Thank you. After an evening with my family, I fucking needed that.
I am very pleased to know you, you wonderfully sick bastard
And he swore, long ago, that he would never use his Photoshop powers for evil.
The plight of elves is a tragedy of modern times. We should take a moment at this special time of year to think of them, and pray that George Bush sees fit to add the North Pole to the Axis of Evil.
There was no Elven Holocaust! There, I said it.
Best. Holiday. Post. Evar.
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