Moffat to write Tintin trilogy

DreamWorks is producing a movie trilogy that adapts the European comic strip, Tintin, which will be motion-capture digital 3d, and a collaboration from Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg. That in itself is awesome news — I was a huge fan of Tintin as a kid, when I’d read my library’s hardcover collections of the strip.

Even better, though, is the announcement that the entire trilogy is being written by Steven Moffat — my favorite writer on Doctor Who (he wrote “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” for the 2005 season, “The Girl in the Fireplace” for 2006, and “Blink” for 2007), who also wrote Jekyll, among many other things.

HELL yes.

One Reply to “Moffat to write Tintin trilogy”

  1. I wonder which 3 stories they’ll use. I hope for some of the double albums from the middle of the series.

    Movie 1 : Secret of the Unicorn – Treasure of Scarlet Rackham
    Movie 2 : Seven crystal globes – Sun Temple
    Movie 3 : ??
    (or whatever their title is in English)

    I’m just worried how faithful they will stay to the source material and how much ‘artistic’ license they will use. And who will voice the characters.

    Is there a tentative release date yet?


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