
Taking a break from today’s writing to…well, do more writing. A brief rundown of yesterday’s Thanksgiving festivities:

Headed to Topeka for Laura’s family get-together…held at noon for the benefit of the geriatric crowd, and due to the number of folks involved, held in a church hall. Thanksgiving surrounded by wall banners and such helpfully informing all assembled that some chap named Jesus is, apparently, LORD. Good for him. I like Laura’s family, and usually enjoy spending time with them, but at extended-family get-togethers like this, I always end up at some table with a bunch of cowboy-boot-wearing, Republican-voting, senior-citizen second-cousins or somesuch. Yee-fucking-haw.

The good part of this is that we were back home by 2:00, which allowed me to install myself in the kitchen, bust out my wicked-sharp cooking skillz, and have our *own* Thanksgiving feast cooked and on the table by 8:00.

Finished the evening in a Turkey-coma, assisted by a bottle of home-brewed mead, and watched the Thanksgiving Day Marathon of Jon Favreau’s Dinner for Five on IFC.

For those who are not aware, the show is writer/director/actor Jon Favreau (Swingers, etc.) inviting 4 celebrities (usually actors, directors, musicians, etc.) to dinner at a restaurant in either L.A. or New York, and filming as they shoot the breeze. Brilliant stuff. The best episode shown last night was the Daredevil tie-in, with Favreau (who played Foggy Nelson) hosting Kevin Smith, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner and Colin Farrell.

That was yesterday. Today, it’s back to work.

The worst thing about being your own boss: You can’t bitch about it when your asshole boss makes you work on the day after Thanksgiving.


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