Political Terror Alerts

For those of you who haven’t yet made up your minds about the politically-motivated nature of the “Terror Alerts” issued by the Bush administration…check out the following chart:

Interesting. Things which you can notice from this graph:

– Whenever Dubya’s ratings dip, there’s a new terror alert.

– Every terror alert is followed by a slight uptick in his approval ratings.

– As we approach the 2004 elections, the number and frequency of terror alerts keeps growing. (Doesn’t appear to be doing any good, though, as the approval ratings are lower than ever.)

Fun With Slogans

So, the latest Bush campaign slogan appears to be “We’ve turned the corner…and we’re not going back”, judging from recent campaign appearance video on the news. Dubya hits the phrase again and again during points about the economy, about security, about job creation…and you can always tell the line is coming, because he breaks into that beady-eyed smirk that he gets when he thinks that his writers have given him something clever to say.

Except, as a writer, I can’t help but notice that when one is travelling, “turning the corner” means that you’ve made a course change…and are no longer moving forward.

Yeah, we’ve turned a corner alright….to the RIGHT. We’d like to get back to going forward, please.

Get-Bush-Elected Level Raised to Orange

You’re not going to read this in any American media source, naturally.

Administration officials have admitted that the “new” warnings of attacks on American cities are based on information gathered by al-Qaeda up to FOUR FUCKING YEARS AGO.

Check the BBC News Story, and get pissed off.