Suffering from “Outrage Fatigue”

I swear, it’s getting to the point where there’s just so much bullshit it’s mind-numbing. (Which, I suppose, is the point)

Today’s batch:

Exxon-Mobile was instrumental in shaping the Bush administrations’ climate-change policy (backing out of Kyoto)

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, behind closed doors, has approved expansion of the Patriot Act that includes new ‘administrative subpoena’ authority would let the FBI write and approve its own search orders for intelligence investigations, without prior judicial approval.

…and still no mass-media coverage of the Downing Street Memo.

If you need a clearer view of what sort of country we’re living in now, check out this lovely poster which has cropped up in MARC (Baltimore to DC) commuter trains:

(…and yes, that’s real. Not a spoof.)

10 Replies to “Suffering from “Outrage Fatigue””

  1. Someone put forth the theory that the poster was designed that way deliberately as a statement by the artist, and MARC didn’t catch on.

    Which would be cool. But very doubtful.

  2. The graphic design types I work with thought it was precisely that, too. And given what I’ve seen them slip past some customers, it wouldn’t surprise me a bit.

  3. The ad agency, “The Robin Shepherd Group”, won a Silver ADDY Award for the campaign, from the American Advertising Federation (list of winners here), which makes me wonder if everybody but the client realizes that it is satiric commentary.

    At least I *HOPE* that’s what it was.

  4. That was exactly my thought. The artist having a laugh and the people in charge too dumb to notice…
    (coming in via )

  5. My partner tells me that a few years ago Bankwest, a Western Australia Bank, ran an entire ad campaign made up almost exclusively of gay iconage. The theme song was even “Go West” by Pet Shop Boys. The people running the Bank had no idea. So in light of that, one little poster is entirely possible. Besides, you never know how many people in the chain were quite content to “overlook” the similarity. hehe

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