Party Reminder and Detour Info

Folks– for the Yule party this Friday evening, there’s a slight change in the directions to our house: The city is doing construction on Kasold, so it’s now blocked between the light at Peterson and the bridge over I-70.

You’ll have to come around into our neighborhood the back way: Go to our house the way you usually do, but when you reach the intersection of Peterson and Kasold, continue to head West (straight if you’ve been coming down Peterson, Left if you were headed down Kasold).

Peterson will go up over a hill, where there is a roundabout intersection with Monterey Way. Turn Right.

Monterey Way will head North and make a 90-degree turn to the right, at which point it becomes Grand Vista (which is the road that you would have turned onto from Kasold if you were headed to our house the old way). Simply follow Grand Vista, and our street, Morning Dove Circle, is the last left before you reach the now-closed Kasold.

Easy Peasy.

Hope to see you there! Some drinks and munchies available, feel free to bring more!

A Very Viking Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Hall
Not a creature was stirring, not warrior nor thrall.
And I in my armor, my shield and my helm
Was drunker than anyone else in the Realm.
I staggered upstairs and fell into bed
While four quarts of mead were ablaze in my head.
Then up from below came the sounds of a brawl
So I grabbed up my axe and ran down to the Hall.
I missed the last step and crashed down in a heap
Thinking, “Why can’t those low-lifes downstairs go to sleep!”
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But two brawny strangers, wielding mallet and spear.
I said to myself, “We’ll soon have them beat!”
Then I noticed ten warriors laid out at their feet.
I gave out a yell and leapt into the fray…
I’ll always regret my poor choice of that day.
For the one laid his hammer to the side of my nose
And up, up, up to the rafters I rose.
Then came a lone frightened voice from the floor,
“Those are no mortal warriors — that’s Odin and Thor!”
Then they looked at each other and they said, “Battle’s done.
Now they know who we are, it no longer is fun.”
Then Thor raised his hammer, and his elbow he bent,
And with a loud crash, through the ceiling they went.
I crawled through the Hall and flung open the door,
Not really sure that I’d seen them before.
The snow bathed in starlight, the moon like a glede,
I saw them ride off on an eight-legged steed.
And I heard them exclaim, ‘ere they flew out of sight,

Amused Me Enough To Post….

On the twelfth day of Christmas, GMSkarka sent to me…

Twelve pirates drumming
Eleven languages piping
Ten comics a-leaping
Nine blades dancing
Eight swords acting
Seven books a-writing
Six movies a-flirting
Five pu-u-u-ulp heroes
Four universal monsters
Three renaissance festivals
Two star wars
…and a theater in a new york city.
Get your own Twelve Days: