Friday Music

I stumbled upon two new artists this week, and so this Friday Music entry features double-shots from both, because I think they’re keen, and I hope you do as well:

First up, introduced me to Emilie Autumn, a former child violin prodigy who has invented herself as a Dresden-Dolls-meets-Marie-Antionette-meets-Goth-meets-Electronic-meets-Whitechapel-Prozzy, and calls her musical style Victoriandustrial.

Yeah, that’s all it took to grab me, too. I hunted down some of her music, gave a listen, and….WOW. I ordered the CD via the links on her website pretty much immediately.

Here are two tracks from the CD Opheliac:

Emilie Autumn – “Misery Loves Company.”

and the harpsichord-laden title track,

Emilie Autumn – “Opheliac”

The second artist that I discovered this week comes to us from the Scissor-Sisters-esque vein of tone-perfect 70s reconstructions. I listened to two singles from the artist in question, Mika—both of which I present here:

This first is an absolutely perfect tribute to the sound of Freddie Mercury and Queen (even name-checks Freddie in the lyrics): Mika – “Grace Kelly”

Here’s another great mash-up, mixing Johnny Cash with the Wu-Tang Clan. It works a helluva lot better than you’d expect: Cash vs. Wu-Tang – “J-C-R-E-A-M”

Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun died yesterday. He created one of the first indie labels, which fostered quite a lot of talent, and went on to become a jazz and pop empire by the 1960s. He was also a songwriter — here is his best-known work: Ray Charles – “The Mess Around.”

Lastly, just because you sometimes just need brilliant New Wave sung by a playboy bunny wearing a plexiglass bra: Missing Persons – “Words.”


The Lost Room

Finished watching the Sci-Fi Channel’s miniseries The Lost Room last night, and I was very impressed.

The whole thing was very cool — very much in the vein of Tim Powers novels or the RPG Unknown Armies. Cabals and individuals comprising an occult underground which searches for, covets and hoards “Objects” — mundane items which came from a motel room which was, for unknown reasons, ripped out of reality on May 4th, 1961. Each of the objects possesses some sort of reality-bending power, ranging from the powerful (The Key, which can be used on any door, and gains you entry into the Lost Room — the motel room in question, which exists outside of time and space, but from which you can re-enter the world through any door, anywhere) to the bizarrely mundane (A watch — if you put an egg within the watchband, it hard-boils the egg). Objects in combination open up other powers….and so needless to say, a wide assortment of characters all want these objects. Again, very nifty.

If you missed it, Sci-Fi will be showing all 6 hours in a marathon on Sunday (4 central time, I think) — so set your Tivos, or your VCRs, or just fire up Bittorrent. It’s worth it.

A Holiday Reminder….

Bill O’Reilly and the rest of the wingnuts have started up the annual “there’s a Liberal WAR AGAINST CHRISTMAS!!!!” thing again.

Especially amusing is their view that Seattle-Tacoma International Airport’s decision to go ahead and put Christmas trees back up (after they had taken them down due to threats of a lawsuit from a Rabbi who wanted Menoras up as well) is somehow a great victory in this “war.”

Anyway, I figured that I’d put together this gleeful little holiday reminder, from a pagan: