There will be a special short showing during the BBC’s Children In Need telethon this year (Friday, November 16th), called “Time Crash,” in which the 10th Doctor will meet the 5th. The first multi-doc encounter of the revived WHO!
Story here at the BBC site — along with a nifty wallpaper image.
(Different from the one above.)
If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be over here, squeeing like a big ol’ fanboy.
Very cool. But I’m still really hoping for a Tennant/Eccleston meeting during this next season, myself.
those two are SUCH a good match. Thanks for posting.
Cool! Thanks for the heads up!
squee!!! *thud*
So exciting!
Although I’ll wait for the you tube posting,
rather than sit through the usual 5 hours of Terry Wogan and regional fundraising strangeness :-)