It’s Official — Cubicle 7

Now that the cat is out of the bag, I can confirm it publicly:

I’m now officially working for Cubicle 7 Entertainment, publishers of Starblazer Adventures, Victoriana and the forthcoming Doctor Who RPG.

The site lists me as “Development & New Media” — which covers the various gigs I’ll be doing for them: editing, graphic design & layout, PDF management, North American convention rep, general development, etc.

Fans of Adamant shouldn’t fret — I’ll be continuing that as well (and Adamant will be partnering with C7 on distribution of several of our products into the print market — Tales of New Crobuzon for example).

It’s great to be able to work with and Co., and I’m absolutely thrilled to be a part of their plans.

Heroes is back….

…and I have to tell ya: months spent nitpicking over the relative disappointment of last season disappeared completely in the remembrance of exactly how much I enjoy watching this show.

Wall-crawling….a speedster…ice generation….and finally, at last, some villains other than Sylar. I have high hopes. Sure, I’ll probably end up playing “spot the original comic-book inspirations” like I’ve done with past episodes, but that’s a feature, not a bug.

Bailout Thought, part 2

Instead of using 700 BILLION dollars to bail out Wall Street firms, why not spend the same amount issuing another stimulus package to the American public?

That would be about $3,000 for every adult in the US. It seems to me that any use of that — paying off debt, making frivilous purchases, or putting it into savings, would be of greater benefit to the economy than absolving Wall Street banks of their fuck-up…..

In other words — if we’re going to piss away taxpayer money, shouldn’t it go to the taxpayers?