General Updatery

  • Finally managed to kick the illness that had me dragging for the past week or so. Now, back to work — behind-schedule projects are stacking up. MARS (Savage Worlds edition) is out this week. Also need to get back to regular fiction output.
  • MLS season kicks off (no pun intended) this coming weekend. KC’s home opener is against Toronto F.C. — and I are holding off until Wednesday before making an attendance decision (we figure the weather forecast will be settled by then — last year, we froze our asses off, and would prefer to avoid that).
  • I have good friends. Thanks to the efforts of and his Disney-Fu, I know have a copy of the sold-out, extremely-limited-run Dr. Syn, Alias The Scarecrow collector’s DVD, for which I am very grateful…. and thanks to the globetrotting business trips of , I now have the India-only Modesty Blaise retro-revival series headed to me. I bounce with unrestrained fanboy glee. Seriously. It’s not pretty.
  • Whim of the moment: Is it worth considering moving from current digs to downtown KC in order to get at least *something* of an urban fix, while still staying within the ass-cheap midwestern cost of living? There are some very nice lofts and such….

Graphic Novel Book Club?

It occurs to me that a service similar to the SFBC or any of the other book clubs, but that exclusively dealt in graphic novels and trade paperback collections would end up getting a very large amount of my money.

Does anybody know if such a creature exists?