You’ve Gotta Be Kiddin’ Me….
It’s April 7th.
It’s Spring.
It’s the Home Opener at Yankee Stadium.
It’s SNOWING. Heavily. We’re supposed to get 8-12 inches or more.
This winter had been the worst I’d seen in my entire life…over 50 inches of snow, including one blizzard responsible for half that amount in a single day. Apparently, it doesn’t want to let go.
Normally, I like winter. Fall is my favorite season, but winter comes in a close second…mostly because I can breathe: summer and spring are allergy-filled and uncomfortable, for the most part. But I’ve gotta tell ya: I’ve had ENOUGH. Enough snow, enough cold, enough $300-a-month-home-heating-oil-bills….Enough.
Snow. In April.