Bad News for my LOTR players….

We’re going to have postpone this weekend’s session. Laura and I have plans for Saturday evening–a fundraising feast for KCRF drummer “Nicholas Hyde’s” madrigal group, and we will already been driving out to KC for stage show rehearsal on Saturday afternoon. Bluntly, I don’t want to have to drive all the way out there twice in one weekend, and I’d also like to keep Friday and Sunday open for plans with some folks I haven’t seen in a while.

Let’s re-schedule for 12/18.


3 Replies to “Bad News for my LOTR players….”

  1. 12/18 I’ll be in PA to visit family for Christmas. I suppose that you guys could go ahead with the game again but I really don’t like the idea of missing another session. ::shrug:: Up to you guys.

  2. Yeah, I was figuring that we’d miss some time around Christmas, so we might have to end up rescheduling until after the holiday.

    (I don’t want anybody to miss any sessions either–you guys are facing a Dragon fer chrissakes–you’ll need EVERYBODY.) :)

  3. That works better for me this weekend anyway…I’m on call and really can’t judge if or when I might get calls in the evenings. Oh well…damn.

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