Buncha small update-like things to share:
Fist off, interesting post from Serenity star Nathan Fillion over at the official Browncoat forums (You have to register, but that’s how we found out about nifty stuff like the advanced screenings, so it’s worth it). Seems he was trying to buy a copy of the new Serenity comic book for his Mom, and some mouth-breather Simpsons-Comic-Store-Guy-stereotype tried to charge him 20 bucks for it. Yes, the comic is much hotter than Dark Horse was expecting (I didn’t get a copy, I’ve got it on back-order, and Dark Horse is having to do a second printing), but attempting to charge 20 bucks for a brand-new comic is pretty much typical of what I hate most about the fan-based industries. This asshole didn’t realize who he was talking to, either, and now he’s got Browncoats crawling up his ass. Serves him right.
Second: My company, Adamant Entertainment, just kicked off our officially-licensed support of Atlas Games’ NORTHERN CROWN D20 setting of colonial-period North American fantasy. We’ve released The Caves of Chisca, a full-length adventure, for FREE. You need to register at RPGNow, but there’s no charge, so check it out.
Third (related to second): There are two Livejournals of note with regards to NORTHERN CROWN. One is the design blog of the creator, Doug Anderson, at
Fourth: I finished reading Star Trek: Vangard – Harbinger, and I really enjoyed it. I’ll definitely be picking up the other books in the series when they’re released. The author created some great new characters, whom I’m actually interested in reading more about (which is, bluntly, a rarity in licensed fiction), and the over-arcing plot threads are intriguing. Good stuff.
WRT: Captain Tightpants
I just posted a bunch of stuff about the kerfuffle at.
Great fun that post. I finally got off my ass and joined…
Order placed :p
Northern Crown certainly looks like an interesting setting. Can’t wait for the download and to see Atlas’ print settings!
Thanks for the lead. I’m off to promote the Northern Crown LiveJournal at my spot.
Thanks for the freebie. It looks very good and I liked the watercoloured map. Tres bon.
We have a freebie on RPGnow too, feel free to grab a copy of the Circular.
Serenity #2
I picked up an extra copy of Serenity issue #2 for you while at the my local comic shop today. I’ll bring it with me to the all-call tomorrow. Also grabbed an extra issue of “Justice #1” (of 12) painted by Alex Ross. Trust me, you will want to read this.
Re: Serenity #2
Excellent. Thank you.
Serenity #1
A small stroke of luck – I passed by a Waldenbooks while at the gym this evening and found two copies of the first printing of Serenity #1. I’ll bring both in case you know someone that would like a copy.
It looks like a nice sandbox to play in…
I got a look at Northern Crown main sourcebook this evening and it looks to be an interesting new setting. I’ve never seen a North American colonial RPG setting – could be a lot of fun.
I’ve always wondered something and I’m curious what your opinion is. There are several RPGs that feature real-world historical and cultural settings (often with different names and alternate histories). A few that come to mind: 7th Sea, Castle Falkenstein, Mystic China, Fvlminata (which I know you know VERY well), Dead Lands, Weird Wars, Sengoku, etc. All of these RPGs have an element of magic or horror or sorcery to them. I don’t think they would sell as straight historical games because people aren’t interested in that kind of thing (I suppose maybe a small market of hardcore historical enthusiasts, maybe, and even then, I doubt it). Since you’re actually in the gaming industry, I figure I’d ask what you think? Why is it that gamers dig on some supernatural chocolate in their historical peanut butter? Or am I completely wrong and are “straight” historical settings actually an untapped market?
Re: Serenity #1
You are a GOD among men.
(But then, I suppose you already knew that.) :)
Re: It looks like a nice sandbox to play in…
No, you’re not wrong, and it’s something that frustrates the living hell out of me. I would LOVE more straight historicals, but if you look at the relative sales figures of straight vs “twisted” (i.e. with fantasy, horror or other genre added), the indication is that gamers are MUCH more likely to buy the version with the genre hook.
So, it’s gotten to the point now where if I’m even thinking of doing historical, I have to think of a genre hook to go along with it. Hence two back-burner projects of mine: GLORIANA (Elizabethan with fantasy/horror elements) and BLACK POWDER, BLACK MAGIC (Napoleonics with fantasy/horror elements).