Don’t Let Them Get Away With It.
It’s happening again.
An obvious, inexcusable and not remotely ignorable fuck-up by Bush and Co. is going to be white-washed away. AGAIN.
The litany is depressingly long. Bin Laden. Abu Ghraib. The War. Bush’s National Guard AWOL. The media takes the White House’s word for it, and 52% of the American people say “Yup, that’s good enough for us!”….and now it’s happening with Bush’s “Fiddling While New Orleans Sinks” response to hurricane Katrina.
Recently, both the Washington Post and Newsweek acted as the PR department for the White House again, reguritating the Bush party line that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco’s hesitancy to declare a state of emergency had prevented the feds from responding to the crisis more rapidly. The Neo-Cons have decided that images of bodies are too powerful, and the American people are demanding action….so they’ve decided to “swift-boat” someone to take the fall for Bush.
However, Governor Blanco DID issue a State of Emergency Declaration (linked here in PDF)…two full days BEFORE the Hurricane made landfall.
Don’t let them get away with it again. Please. Forward this link to any news source you see pushing that story. With the death of Renquist and the coming Roberts confirmation, it will be too easy for yet another Bush atrocity to slip from the headlines. When is this motherfucker going to be held accountable?