“Warner Brothers has tapped the Hageman brothers to adapt British author Scott Lynch’s fantasy epic The Lies of Locke Lamora, Variety reported. Michael De Luca and Julie Yorn are producing for the studio.”
Was the honorary Anglification part of your contract? Lucky bastard. :)
So all you have to do is visit England and do a book tour to become British? Damn.
We’re easy like that ;-)
I remember that Jenn said something about the movie rights having been picked up; I’m glad to hear that something may actually be done with them.
Silly question: have you been reading the book? (I ask simply because I am and enjoying it.)
I got an uncorrected proof from the publisher last year. :)
I posted my review in November.
I am a complete and utter fanboy….much to Scott’s amusement, I’m sure.
This book is so good at this rate he will be Lord Lynch by the end of the series. And there better fricken’ be a series!