Swiped from
20 Years Ago, I…
1. Was living in a dorm at KU with my best friend, having a great time while my grades plummeted.
2. Went out walking every night — through campus, down to downtown, then back up to the dorm. Walking and talking, from 11:30 to 2 or so.
3. Dropped my plan to get a theater degree when I ran head-first in the cliquish hell that is the KU theater department.
15 Years Ago, I…
1. Was married and had a 3-year-old daughter.
2. Was running my first campaign of Vampire for my college gaming group.
3. Was working at KANU FM 91.5, as Morning Edition local news, and Weekend Edition local host.
10 Years Ago, I…
1. Was divorced.
2. Had one of the worst days of my life, when my ex left town with the children.
3. Started officially dating
5 Years Ago, I…
1. Had moved from NYC to New Jersey, and had my oldest back living with me.
2. Was working at Mellon as a benefits writer. (*shudder*)
3. Performed as King Richard in a Robin Hood-themed festival in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
2 Years Ago, I…
1. Was performing the “Bards Bouts” stage show (a comedy show featuring fight scenes from Shakespeare) at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival.
2. Had my fanboy prayers answered when Doctor Who returned to the BBC, and didn’t suck.
3. Went to Boulder, Colorado with my daughter, who was competing in the “Odyssey of the Mind” World Finals (world-wide creative problem-solving competition for gifted kids).
1 Year Ago, I…
1. Got married to
2. Performed with
3. Experienced work-drama as RPGNow and DriveThruRPG merged into a single business, and the “sky is falling” bullshit that resulted.
So far this year, I’ve..
1. Been diagnosed with cancer, and had it treated.
2. Attended a writer’s conference, and made connections with agents and publishers.
3. Attended GenCon for the first time since 2003, and had a wonderful time connecting with friends.
Yesterday, I…
1. Felt awful, like I was fighting off some sort of illness.
2. Watched the season premiere of Heroes and the series premiere of Journeyman.
3. Went to bed early.
Today, I…
1. Woke up late, after sleeping for more than 12 hours.
2. Answered emails.
3. Started layout on another Adamant product.
Tomorrow, I’ll…
1. Release a new product
2. Try to get some writing done.
3. (I have no idea beyond that)
what did you think…
of Journeyman? I’ve seen a few previews & am curious.
Re: what did you think…
I liked it. I’m a sucker for time-travel, and like the lead actor (who played Verinus in HBO’s Rome).
I’m going to swipe this one for myself. I see similarities. How odd.
Re: what did you think…
So glad to know someone else liked it, too! I wasn’t sure as it started, but as things started clicking into place, it really grew on me.
3. Dropped my plan to get a theater degree when I ran head-first in the cliquish hell that is the KU theater department.
Yeah, this made me snort. Cause times don’t change, hence why I am no longer a Theater major. Please don’t tell someone who has already done professional live improv that she doesn’t know what she’s doing in her improv class because she *gasp* wants to make things up on the spot rather than rehearse every detail. Um, huh?
That was the same sort of problem I had encountered — I had done professional improv, been doing paid equity work on stages all summer long, and still I had to deal with having to take “Intro” classes and not being cast in anything because I was a Freshman.