Sunny and low 70s today.
Possible Snow on Wednesday.
…therefore, moderate chance of coming down with a Cold, Thursday through Sunday.
Sunny and low 70s today.
Possible Snow on Wednesday.
…therefore, moderate chance of coming down with a Cold, Thursday through Sunday.
Ah, Midwestern weather. Well, if you announce that you Will Not Accept a cold, then have some tea, you might still be able to avoid one. :)
Thank you for calling Weather-Phone(tm)!
Today’s high in downtown Kansas City will be 77F. Current temperature in downtown Kansas City is 77F.
Tuesday’s high will be 66F with passing showers.
Wednesday’s high will be 41F and 100% chance of realization that global fucking warming is, in fact, causing bizarre weather patterns worldwide.
Thanks again for calling Weather-Phone(tm)!
In a couple of days I’ll be in Minnesota, with lows expected in the 20s. And snow.