Comics & Games Retailer is packing it in as of the issue shipping next month.
It wasn’t great, and the numbers were from a self-selected sample of responding retailers, but those were the only numbers we had to work with. I wonder if we’ll see anything replacing it. Perhaps something web-based?
Finding a reliable source of statistics on the industry is a challenge. I hope someone steps up to the plate.
Wow. Interesting.
Their company ranking methodologies were extremely suspect and the editorial was always a little thin, but at least they were trying.
This industry rapidly needs better tools for retailers. There is a private game store industry form, but it has surprisingly little traffic.
Have you tried the GIN? That’s pretty active.
Can you give me an address for that?
Sure thing:
BTW – looks like Aldo is going to step up on this one.
Wait – I’m wrong. Now I’m hearing that the publisher of C&GR is going to continue their statistics on their C&GR site, which they’re going to make an industry info site.