Insurgent Creative: Lawrence-Area Self-Publishing Salon

This one is a more locally-focused than most of my Insurgent Creative posts, but it fits the category, so I hope that non-local folks will indulge me here.

After discussions with a few local friends exploring the independent creative option, it occurs to me that we might all benefit from a local-area, regularly-scheduled get-together, specifically to discuss self-publishing, indie production, etc. There are certainly other groups and gatherings in the area, but those are largely devoted to networking, socializing and general commiserating — which, to be clear, are absolutely worthy goals, and this is not any effort to supplant those in any way. However, a more informational, data-and-resource-sharing Salon-esque gathering would be a valuable resource for area creatives, and I think I’d like to give it a go.

Insurgent CreativeIf you are local to the Kansas City, Lawrence or Topeka area (or are willing to make the drive approximately once every month or so), feel free to sound off in the comments below, AND please drop me a line via email. Once I’ve got contact info for interested folks, I’ll email you all with polls about meeting places and times. Feel free to forward the link to this announcement to anybody that you know who might be interested.

All levels of experience are welcome, from those who are already engaged in independent publishing, to those merely interested in the possibility. The idea here is to share perspectives and experience, so the more the merrier.

A quick note: I’m not crazy — I know that everybody is up to their eyeballs right now with getting work done and prepping for the holidays, so our Insurgent Creative Salon will not kick off until the new year. I’m just talking about it now, to get the ball rolling.

Interested? Let’s hear from you.
EDITED TO ADD: I realize that some newer folks coming to this post might not know where the whole “Insurgent Creative” thing is coming from. Short version: A series of blog posts I did at this time last year, giving links to resources for folks trying to make an independent living as a creative. The big page o’ links to the original 24 posts can be found by clicking this link — and further posts on the topic from throughout 2012 can be found by going to the “Categories” drop-down below, and choosing “Insurgent Creative,” or clicking the logo above at right.

3 Replies to “Insurgent Creative: Lawrence-Area Self-Publishing Salon”

  1. I am always interested in ways we indie creatives can help each other. Even if all we do is share information and a drink or two, this sounds like a worthy goal. Count me in.


  2. I am interested, especially if the place we meet at serves tea. I don’t have anything I’m working on for publication, but I’m interested in the process, particularly as I’m learning more about how to create art in Photoshop.

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