Feeling much better now. Thanks to all who sent “Feel Better” messages via email. I actually felt quite a bit better by yesterday, but still kept a low profile due to my self-imposed 9/11 Media Blackout. I wasn’t interested in seeing any further politicization of that horrible event, or any of the TragiPorn that has sprung up around it (Hey, kids! It’s the anniversary! Let’s show grainy close-up video of people swan-diving out of the WTC windows!).

So, naturally, just when I decide to emerge from Media Blackout, the first thing I find out is that both John Ritter and Johnny Cash have died.

Well, shit.



Came down last night with some kind of stomach plague. It kept me up most of the night, and, if you’ll excuse the horrible pun, kicked my ass well into the morning. I’ve got that lovely all-over ache now, like I’ve just finished fighting live-steel in full armor for 8 hours.

Still, good little trooper that I am, I dragged my carcass down the hall to my office this afternoon, and cranked out some work. I’m on schedule, which is good. Also managed to get the Adamant Entertainment Cafepress Store up and running, with various items of diverse interest. Check it out.

Tomorrow, my first Heroes of the New Wave Design Column goes live, which should be fun. There’s already some discussion over at the Adamant forum about it, and it hasn’t even really gotten started yet, which is a good sign of general interest.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go back to feeling like crap.


All Systems Go

So, based on a lot of comments I received, I’m going ahead and doing a new design column for Heroes of the New Wave. The most common comments I received suggested that I forego putting the column up on RPGnet or any other gaming site, and instead handle it myself, so that’s just what I decided to do–The column will appear as it’s own weekly weblog, with discussions on the Adamant Entertainment forum, which is hosted by The Forge, and moderated by yours truly. (Yes, I know–the thought of me with Kewl Moderator Powerz is a Sign of the Apocalypse for some of you.)

Anyway—go check it out. Add it to your address books. See you there.
