Just So Fucking FRENCH….

…as Eddie Izzard once said. It really does apply sometimes, ya know?

and I watched a DVD from Netflix last night: The French SF film IMMORTAL, which was never released in the US.

This is based on a French comic book, and boy oh boy does it ever feel like it. A mix of cyberpunk, new-wave SF and Egyptian myth. As I said after the film ended: I liked it, I think….it was visually stunning (a largely computer-animated film, with live-action actors mixed with CG characters, and live-action characters with CG heads (!)–amazing to look at), but the plot was…well, a bit “Buh?” The whole thing was SO very French.

Here’s the trailer for the film, if you want to take a look. (Oddly enough, despite being a French film, the movie was filmed in English…the trailer has French subtitles.)

Just so fucking FRENCH….

…as Eddie Izzard once said. It really does apply sometimes, ya know?

Laura and I watched a DVD from Netflix last night: The French SF film IMMORTAL, which was never released in the US.

This is based on a French comic book, and boy oh boy does it ever feel like it. A mix of cyberpunk, new-wave SF and Egyptian myth. As I said after the film ended: I liked it, I think….it was visually stunning (a largely computer-animated film, with live-action actors mixed with CG characters, and live-action characters with CG heads (!)–amazing to look at), but the plot was…well, a bit “Buh?” The whole thing was SO very French.

Here’s the trailer for the film, if you want to take a look. (Oddly enough, despite being a French film, the movie was filmed in English…the trailer has French subtitles.)

I Want My Country Back

Democrat Nancy Pelosi calls the Iraq War “a grotesque mistake” — Republicans call for her head on a platter.

Democrat Dick Durbin, quotes an FBI report on prisoner treatment at Gitmo, and then says: .”If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime _ Pol Pot or others _ that had no concern for human beings.” —Republicans go apeshit and demand an apology…WHICH THE SPINELESS MOTHERFUCKER GIVES, on the Senate Floor, teary-eyed.

Republican power-behind-the-throne Karl Rove, a man who was investigated during Watergate, but let go because the FBI had bigger fish to fry, says Wednesday: “Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers. Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war.”

The Democrats demand an apology…and the White House refuses, saying that his comments “were very accurate.”

I hope the Democrats remember this the next time that they apologize, or attack one of their own for making critical comments.