Random Update
According to a post in the comments of the Lawrence LJ Community, there’s a new comic book store opening this Thursday, apparently called “Astro Kitty”, right above the Java Break. I’ll definitely be checking it out. It’ll be nice to get another store in town, apart from the dark hole-in-the-wall that is Kwality Comics. I remember at one point in the mid-90s, there were 4 comics-and-games places here in Lawrence. Now we’ve got 2 games stores which are both sub-standard (which is why I make a 30-minute drive to Tabletop Games in Lenexa), and at the moment, only 1 comic book store. I hope that “Astro Kitty” is a good one.
Birthday was uneventful. Laura and Allie gave me The Director’s Cut of HELLBOY, which is just chock full of goodness; and the hardcover collection of Neil Gaiman’s 1602 (which apparently is officially titled “Marvel 1602”), which is also Teh Niftay. (For the uninitiated: 1602 is a comic book miniseries that moves all of the classic Marvel superheroes to the Renaissance. Mutants hunted by the Inquisition, Dr. Strange as Queen Elizabeth’s “astrologer”, fun stuff like that.