Wanna See Our Stage Show?

Just heard back from the Entertainment Director, and he’s given the OK for us to have an audience present during the second audition (where we’re running through our full show). He’s mentioned that he’s “spreading the word” as well….I guess he wants to see how an audience reacts to us.

So, for everyone who is interested, your chance to see Bard’s Bouts (minus costumes, but still…):

This Saturday, at 3:00 on the Robin Hood Stage at the Festival Site.

13 Replies to “Wanna See Our Stage Show?”

  1. “Prepare yourselves for the most breathtaking display of thespian legerdemain ever to shine the glorious light of the Muse into your drab, workaday lives….”

    Good times.

  2. crap!

    I totally spaced the fact that I have iron clad plans Saturday. Damn. Blonde moment to the extreme. And I so would have loved to show up to watch the show, which I have yet to see. I am so so sorry, and I will find ways to make it up, say asking for a rain check afterglow?

  3. I’m gonna try to bring the girls. Unless you think it wouldn’t be appropriate fare? They laugh really loudly and I think seeing how the show appeals to kids would be good?

  4. It’s not really a kids show. I expect that the Entertainment Staff will probably put an asterix by our listing. Not raunchy or baudy, per se, but definitely more adult humor than slapstick. (Most of the adult stuff is directly from the Shakespeare text — “what, with my tongue in your tail?”, etc.– but still.)

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