Senate Blocks Gay Marriage Ban
The issue that the American Taliban was hoping to use as a “get-out-the-vote” wedge issue in November’s elections has been smacked down.
Of course, the House will still take their whacks at it….but for right now, we can say “Har har! Fuck you, American Taliban”, and enjoy a brief moment of Schadenfreude.
Gotta love this, though: Republican Sen. David Vitter (Louisiana) said: “I don’t believe there’s any issue that’s more important than this one.” Somehow, I think your constituents in New Orleans (who are still living in Houston, Atlanta, Dallas, etc. etc. etc.) might see things just a bit differently, Bubba.
Oh, and Home-state scumbag Sam Brownback (R-KS) vowed that “people are going to be responsible for this vote.” Oooooh. Scaaaaaaaary.