Alex Ross and Jim Krueger are going to be doing a series for Dynamite Entertainment called Superpowers, which will feature superheroes who are now in the public domain. Check the link for an interview and art samples.
As an example: Ross’ take on The Green Lama — a character who started in the pulps (and whom I’ve considered using for the THRILLING TALES pulp magazine):

And hey, what’s going on with Thrilling Tales these days? I forgot to ask while you were here.
Interestingly enough, Image is planning something similar called the Next Issue Project –
I’ve been holding launch until I have enough quality submissions to fill an issue. So far, that hasn’t happened. It’s depressing.
Don’t suppose you know if they’ve got Octobriana on the list?
Karen Ellis over at Planet Karen says she’s got a contract to do an Octobriana story, but I’m not sure where it’s being published.