Today is The Minion’s 18th birthday. My mind still boggles.
We’ll be hitting her with the big present when
The “gift” from her mother arrived today — a “birthday bag” from, with candy and snacks in it. For her oldest daughter’s 18th birthday. When she and her S.O. have a six-figure income. Unbe-fucking-lievable. She’s still punishing the Minion for daring to choose to live with me 7 years ago.
Ah well — we shall do our best to make sure that The Minion has a great day.
I’m proud as hell of how she’s turned out, and she knows it.
Wish a Happy Birthday for us! And congrats to you for doing such a good job as a dad.
Wish her a happy one from us! My daughter still mentions “the teenager” with a look of awe on her face. :)
Hope she has a fantastic birthday! Hope also that she likes her present–how could she not!
Love to all of you!