Sitting here in the Mayflower hotel in DC. The Minion has been packed off for her day of VIP tours.
I just realized that I didn’t prepare for Friday Music this week (for obvious reasons), so I’m afraid no tunes will be forthcoming today.
By the way, I’m having some odd issues with getting my mail via browser today. It worked fine yesterday, but today, constant checks reveal empty inboxes — even of spam. It’s almost like my Mail program at home is on, and pulling messages from the servers before I can check them online, but I know I didn’t leave it running….
So, anyway, if you have a pressing need to reach me today, your best bets are cellphone, or by leaving comments here.
(EDIT: Mail’s back up. Apparently,
Not sure how I’ll spend my day — weather is going to be intermittent rain, I’ve done the DC tourist thing before, etc. I’m sure I’ll figure something out.