Call Them On It.

My desperate hope for tonight’s town-hall debate: That Obama turns to McCain and asks him point-blank why he’s engaging in a strategy that results in crowds at his campaign rallies screaming that Obama is a terrorist and yelling “KILL HIM!!”, and asking him, directly, to publicly repudiate those people and that strategy.

Go after his dumb-fighter-jock so-called “Honor.” SHAME HIM, with millions watching.

Because it will have two results — one, it will draw attention to the severely frightening tone that McCain’s campaign has stirred up among the ignorant rednecks in this country, which the mainstream audience needs to see in all of its ugliness. Two, McCain won’t back down — he can’t, it’s not in his personality — and will most likely lose his famous temper, in front of millions of viewers, and millions more as his sure-to-be erratic response gets played over and over again on the news and the internet.

“End of An Error” — Election Night Party

Save the date!

We’re having a shindig at our place here in Lawrence on Tuesday, November 4th — Election night! An opportunity to sit a room with our fellow snarky Liberals, nosh on nibblies, maybe have a drink or six, and watch the writhing death-throes of the Republican Party.

After you vote, come on over around dinner-ish. The returns will be on all night long — MSNBC, so we can enjoy the running commentary of Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow — and we’ll cheer the wins, boo the losses and mock the conservative commentators.

RSVP via comments or email! BYOB and something munchy to share. Some drinks and group-dinner-ish stuff will be provided as well.

We hope to see you there!

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

I just got finished watching the first two episodes of the show on Cartoon Network.

I know that the pilot, released to theatres, was supposedly Ass on a Cracker. Laughably bad, by most reports. Still, my inner eight-to-fourteen year old (for whom Star Wars was Life, The Universe and EVERYTHING), won over, and I gave the show a try.

Damned if it wasn’t pretty cool! Obviously a little bit “kidded down” (especially with the amping up of the Battle Droids as comic relief — literally Rude Mechanicals), but surprisingly good.

Worth catching in re-broadcast, if you have the chance.