My New-Old Gig


We just made the official announcement today: I’m taking a gig with Cubicle 7 Entertainment as the Line Developer for the tabletop games line of my creation Far West. So I’ll be continuing to helm FAR WEST, but will be doing it with an amazing amount of support!

Cubicle 7 will be the exclusive publisher of tabletop games for the setting, and will distribute them world-wide. I’ll shepherd the line, make sure it continues to mesh with all other FAR WEST releases (fiction, comics, web series, what-have-you) — which will still be released by my own company, Adamant Entertainment.

I’m thrilled about this. The delays in production of the FAR WEST Adventure Game core rulebook were due largely to the project becoming much larger than could readily be handled without assistance, and partnering with one of the top games publishers in the world will mean that I’ve got a great bunch of creative people at my back, as well as the infrastructure in place to handle things like distribution, warehousing, etc. — freeing me up to concentrate on line development, direction and creation.

Cubicle 7 has committed to a robust release schedule of support as well — so expect announcements soon about what we’ll have coming for the line in the first year.