A New Look

Home sick today. Still haven’t kicked this throat-and-ear thing. Taking one last day of rest before soldiering on tomorrow.

I decided to go with a new design for the weblog. I’m not the world’s most brilliant HTML-jockey, so I picked another of the pre-designed templates from Blogger. I like it. Oddly enough, it’s given me the same sort of rejuvanative feeling that one gets from Spring Cleaning. New year, new start, and all that.

Interesting article on AICN, giving a teaser look at the script for the Sci-fi Channel’s forthcoming re-imagining of Battlestar Galactica. I loved the old series…but more for its potential than its actual execution. The show could have been much cooler than it was, but instead got bogged down in corny re-hashes of old Western plots, for example. I admit that I was hoping that they’d pull a “Next Gen” on this project, and continue in the same fictitious universe, but I can understand the reasons for wanting a clean slate. Starbuck as a woman, though?


Best email received today

From an email sent to me regarding the apparently still-burning brushfire at RPGnet:

“There is nothing wrong with RPGnet that couldn’t be solved by simply getting rid of the Tangency forum.”

I actually agree with that…it would focus things a bit more, I think.

Anyway–no more posts from me on the subject, aside from this general announcement: although I do appreciate the kind words of support, please do not email me about RPGnet any more. I’m not interested in what’s going on over there or what anyone there is saying about me. It’s hard enough to quit a site cold-turkey that I’ve been regularly visiting for the past 8 years, without having people asking me to come back, or telling me that I should go over there and bust heads. Respect my decision, please.

That’s all for now.


Thanks, and….FEAR THE KITTIES!!!

A quick note of thanks to the folks who have emailed me regarding the whole RPGnet hoo-hah. To repeat what I’ve told those folks, no, I’m not planning on going back. Although I do find it amusing that there is, according to one email, a 100+ thread about this “incident”, I’m not partaking of the temptation to go and read it, either…I figure that’s as good a way as any to go cold-turkey. Hell, it worked for my smoking habit….

My best friend sent me the following link today: From the fury of the Norsekitties, may the Lord God protect us…. There’s a few other amusing bits on that site as well, including Kittens that are Punk as Fuck., which is always a good thing.