Thanks to the wonderfulness that is Bittorrent, I have the first two episodes of the new BBC Robin Hood series, and I’m currently burning them to a DVD, a nifty format which allows video entertainment to be lent to like-minded friends.
Thanks to the wonderfulness that is Bittorrent, I have the first two episodes of the new BBC Robin Hood series, and I’m currently burning them to a DVD, a nifty format which allows video entertainment to be lent to like-minded friends.
*raises hand*
Dude. Just fucking look at that nose!
And last night, another (more drunken) Robin Hood reminded me that I really like short beards. Yum. (And, btw, Gareth we were plotting our take over of the Icarus, too…)
Hey, if it’s any good and you have time burn me a copy, eh? If you don’t have time–which I completely understand may not be the case–just let me know it’s worthwhile and I’ll pull it down myself.
DVD, huh. This sounds like a fascinating new technology. Please subscribe me to your newsletter or service. I would like to know more.
Have you like…watched them yet? Or are you assuming BBC=Teh Roxxorz.
I managed to watch all of the first episode, then my intenstines tried to strangle me.