Dum-de-dum, Dum-de-dum, Dum-de-dum…

Richard Grant has been announced as the Ninth Dr. Who: The BBC is foisting off the 40th anniversary of the show with a webcast rather than a full-blown TV show or movie, but it’s official nonetheless. A six-part audio webcast on BBCi will be premiering in November. Grant describes his interpretation as “something of a ‘Sherlock Holmes in Space,” which sounds cool to me. The author of the as-yet-untitled adventure, Paul Cornell, says that it’s going to be fully-animated (not just moving stills, like the past webcasts), and that it could lead to “other things”–apparently including a series of Ninth Doctor books.

Oh, and I’d also like to share the following:

Conventions are really hard work.

Thanks to Elissa for taking the picture, and, of course, to Red, for showing the world the proper care and feeding of the North American Game Designer. Heh.


Free from Court Hell

Some of you long-time readers may remember that I’ve been fighting off the unwelcome anal advances of the State of New Jersey, which has been attempting to hit me with a multi-thousand dollar fine and a two-year license suspension.

Well, today I had my court date. My incompetent asshat of an attorney didn’t show. This actually turned out to be to my benefit, though—the judge and the prosecutor took pity upon me, allowed me to plea down to a single charge of Driving While Suspended, which, although hitting me with a $500 fine, results in NO SUSPENSION OF MY LICENSE. I’ll be able to drive again, which is a good thing–especially for my upcoming move.

Even better, the judge said that he’ll be reporting my attorney to the State Ethics Board. Woo-hoo!

After I got back home, I got a call from the incompetent asshat, telling me that he had finally showed up at the courthouse…over an hour after the call time. I told him in no uncertain terms what had occurred…including his forthcoming appointment with the Ethics Board. He promised to refund half of my retainer. Damn right.

21 days and counting ’till I’m out of this cesspool of a state.


Full Immersion

I’m back from the ORIGINS game fair in Columbus, Ohio–which served as my grand inauguration for my return to full-time game industry work. As such, it was a great experience, filled with the excitement and joy of knowing that I was back doing what I love. I got a couple of freelance gigs, met up with industry friends that I haven’t seen since my last show (the GAMA Trade Show, March 2002), and also got to meet a bunch of folks that I only knew from RPGnet and other online sites, turning “virtual” friendships into real ones, and even managing to win over a few former adversaries and forming new friendships over the buried hatchet.

It sounds *really* corny, I know, but the whole thing just rejeuvinated me (which is really odd, considering how exhausting the whole thing was–on my feet for 8 hours a day, too much talking, no more than 4 1/2 hours of sleep on any night, not enough food, and LOTS of alcohol).

…and I get to do GenCon in another 20-someodd days.

Anyway, back to work. Major deadlines to meet.