
Got back yesterday from my trip with my daughter’s team to the 2005 Odyssey of the Mind World Finals in Boulder, CO. Smithsonian Magazine called the World Finals “a dizzying four-day thinkathon that looks like some kind of kooky cross between science fair, masquerade party, performing arts fest and the Olympics” — and that’s pretty much a spot-on description. Allie’s team did OK…not great, but not bad (24th out of 48 teams in her age group and specific problem to solve), but they had the experience of a lifetime, meeting, competing and hanging out with gifted kids from all over the world. I did the whole chaperone thing….none of the kids overdosed or had wild orgies, so I guess I did a good job.

Off to see Serenity tonight, which I’m really looking forward to. Spoiler-free review coming tomorrow (along with another Friday Music installment).

In other news, I picked up the new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and I’m thinking that I’d like to run a regular game of it this summer. If you’re in the area, and you’re interested, let me know via comments. We’ll decide on the frequency of play and what night would be good for everyone once we’ve got a group together. If you’re not familiar with the game, it’s the RPG set in the world of the miniatures wargame, Warhammer. Essentially a fictional version of Renaissance Europe (but with Dwarves, Elves, etc.), beset by the forces of Chaos. In my opinion, it’s the best Dark Fantasy setting out there, and the game is quite simple, especially when compared to D20. Random Character creation, taking about 15 minutes tops, lightning-fast combat, etc.

….and yes, , there are Spaniards. (They’re called Estalians) :)

4 Replies to “Back….”

  1. Oy, I so would love to play, but I’m a bit far south to game regularly. I haven’t played Warhammer in about six years, but I would have to say it’s still my favorite. Of course, I’m *still* jonesing for some Call of Cthulhu.

  2. Re: OIM

    Well done! Oh I hope they had fun, and it seems you made in back in one piece- all good.

    re: gaming

    Interesting, interesting, interesting, SPANIARDS? Did you say Spaniards????
    Please to be considering interest peaked.

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