LJ info thingy:
1. My LJ username is gmskarka, because, duh, that’s my name. I’ve never been much for witty usernames, mostly because my online life has always been a facet of my chosen career, and so being easily identified was important. I have thought of changing that from time to time….if I was to change it, I would use “knightwriter.”
2. My journal title is “The Designer Monologues”, which is a play on “The Vagina Monologues” and the fact that I’m a game designer, suggested from a forum post by
3. My journal’s subtitle is Thoughts and Ramblings from Writer/Game Designer Gareth-Michael Skarka….’cuz that’s what it is.
4. My friends’ page is titled “The World-Class Irregulars.” A long time ago, I started writing down notes for adventures of a Buckaroo-Banzai-esque modern pulp hero named Erasmus Quinn. Quinn, as is usual with these sorts of heroes, surrounds himself with a group of highly talented individuals, whom I named “The World-class Irregulars”, in reference to the Baker Street Irregulars of the Sherlock Holmes stories, and the fact that despite being “irregular” (in the “odd” meaning of the word), they are paragons in their own right (world-class). It seemed not only a nice hearkening back to something which I *still* might get back to writing (Quinn is the focus of my “Heroes of the New Wave” concept), but a pretty damned good description of my friends as well: World-class Irregulars.
5. My default userpic is a shot of me at KCRF 2005 taken by
and, a thought: