A Question For Writerly Or Research-Minded Folks…..

Can anybody give me a clue of roughly how long it would take a horse-and-carriage, early 19th century, to travel from London to Hythe (61 miles/98 km)?

The Writer’s Guide to Everyday Life in Regency and Victorian England doesn’t feature anything so useful as travel times. If I need to know the hiring rates of domestic servants, I’m totally covered….but nothing on how long it would take to get from point A to point B.

Any help would be welcome.

Virtual GTS

was at the GAMA Trade Show last week, doing interviews with various folks for his podcast, Have Games Will Travel.

The intro and the first interview (Matt Forbeck) are now up, and the other interviews (including one with a certain PDF publisher of your acquaintance) will be appearing over the next week or two.

Check ’em out…it’s like getting in on all the gossip and news from the show, without the hangovers and con-crud.