The town, Ave Maria, would feature private ownership of homes, but all commercial space controlled by Monaghan and his partner — so stores will not sell pornographic magazines, pharmacies will not carry condoms or birth control pills, and cable television will have no X-rated channels.
At the groundbreaking of construction on the town, Governor Jeb “Your Future President” Bush lauded the development as “a new kind of town where faith and freedom will merge to create a community of like-minded citizens.”
Gotta love how CNN headlines the story, with a simple “New Florida town would restrict abortion.” Um, NO, fuckheads….it would restrict EVERYTHING according to religious doctrine.
Can’t say that, of course….if CNN drew attention to that, after all, people might start realizing that calling these people the American Taliban *isn’t* really that far-fetched. This town, the effort underway to turn South Carolina into a “Christian Homeland”…..this is what these people actually want. They are exactly like the Taliban. The rest of us had better wake the fuck up…..our disbelief at how “far-fetched” this stuff appears is exactly what allows them to get it done. While we sit back with our comfortable intellectualism and say “but that’s ridiculous….there’s no way….”, they rally their forces, work them into an ecstatic furor, and DO IT.
They’re not kidding when they talk about a “Culture War”, people. When do we actually start taking it seriously, and fight?