George W. Bush, earlier this week:
” “I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English, and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English.”
It turns out that candidate Bush used to sing the anthem in Spanish himself during campaign appearances in 1999, and, as President, had Jon Secada sing the National Anthem in English and Spanish at his first Inaugural ceremony.
Say it with me now:
Let’s see if we can get the approval ratings down into the 20s by the time the midterm elections come around, shall we?
If they hit 0, what happens? Does he get evicted from the White House, Big Brother stylee?
Well, 9/11 changed everything, you know…
this is comedy gold!
I wanted to e-mail this to you…
but don’t have your address. Have you seen this yet? Thought you might enjoy this version of “I Am the Walrus,” dedicated to El Presidente.
Re: I wanted to e-mail this to you…
Yeah, I read HuffPost every day. CNN actually did a brief story on that video yesterday!
not surprised. ;-)
Was just reading an article that had a picture of W, and my daughter came in and pointed at the screen and said “I no like dat guy!” about 7 times in a row until I went to a different page. :)
I don’t even discuss politics in front of her. She just knows
I really hope someone puts a bullet in him