Surprise, Surprise….

It turns out that no charges will be filed against the guy who confessed to killing JonBenet Ramsey, because his DNA isn’t a match.

I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

You mean that the mainstream media filled every waking minute with speculation and play-by-play coverage of this fuck-knuckle’s extradition, conveniently bumping stories like Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program being declared illegal and unconstitutional….and it turns out that there actually was NO FUCKING STORY AT ALL???

Well, gosh. Color me surprised.

…of course, they’ll get away with it. Again.

In related news, CNN will mark the 5th anniversary of 9/11 by replaying their original coverage of the attacks.

Excuse me….that’s not NEWS. That’s self-congratulatory journalistic masturbation….and, of course, “remember why we’re fighting the War On Terra” PROPAGANDA.

The state of this country makes me fucking sick.

Robin Hood Stolen, Reward Offered

What are believed to be the only high definition tapes for the BBC’s new £8 million Robin Hood series were stolen last week in Budapest, where the 13-part series is being edited ahead of its debut on the BBC in the autumn.

Tiger Aspect , the production company behind the new series, has offered a £40,000 reward for the return of the tapes. It is possible that the series, which is due to replace Dr. Who on Saturday nights starting in October, could now be delayed.

Story here.

Festival Thoughts.

We open on Saturday, and then it’s a 7-weekend rollercoaster ride, followed by our wedding immediately afterward.

I’ll be posting my traditional “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” weekend-by-weekend wrap-ups, of course.

Thoughts, after attending Site Day and the final Chess Match rehearsals this past weekend:

  • The energy out there is noticeably more bawdy than it has been in years. This is a good thing. The DisneyJesus Festival is no more?
  • The Chess Match will rock….barring any total flake-outs. I’m still not 100% convinced that a couple of the “problem performers” won’t just quit part-way into the run.
  • My confidence is waaaaaaaaaaay up. I feel better (and, apparently, look better, or so I’m being regularly told) than I have in a while. Playing Casanova (Supernova, ChevyNova) will be a blast-and-a-half. I do, however, still have some nagging doubts (this is ME, after all) — will I be able to physically do it? The new boots (and the dropped weight) make things better on my ankles, but I still get post-activity pain in the evenings. I need to force myself to sit when I can. I don’t need to be standing all the time.
  • I’m still missing the focus of a stage show. Ah, well.
  • Current weather forecast for Labor Day weekend: only a 30% chance of scattered storms Saturday and Sunday, highs in the upper 70s. Sunny and low 80s on Monday.