
Back at work, after a whirlwind five days.

My two youngest kids flew in on Thursday night, as did my parents. Friday was spent in last-minute prep and general spending of time with the family. Friday was, of course, beautiful — sunny and in the 60s.

Saturday dawned….

Cold rain and low 40s. Nice.

The weather dampened (get it? HA! I kill me.) the attendance somewhat–About 2/3rds of the RSVPs showed up to brave the cold and damp out at the KCRF site. It was wonderful to look around the chapel and see the faces of so many dear friends and family.

looked like she had literally stepped out of a Waterhouse painting. Absolutely beautiful. The ceremony was a pagan one — full of poetry and symbolism, and I am forever indebted to our Quarters (, , and the LJ-less Holly) and to for officiating. I had feared the reaction of the more Christian members of the guests being put off by the whole thing, but even the ones that I was most concerned about came up to us and gushed about how beautiful and “interesting” they found the whole thing. Success!

I will admit that I was also afraid that the cynic in me would feel nothing from the ceremony itself — and I have been together for 9 years, after all….what was really changing? I am pleased to report, however, that there was definately a shift in my perception….a sense of the sacred….and now, despite being in the same place, living with her as I have done for nearly a decade, it feels different. Like somebody noticed the wire to the subwoofer on a stereo had come unplugged, and plugged it in, and now the sound is fuller. Same sound, but richer. (Goofy analogy, but it’s the best way to explain it)

Saturday night, after a dinner with my family, was a lovely gathering for friends at our home, where we made a dent in the massive amounts of leftover food and wine from the neccessarily-truncated reception. Even with the amount of alcohol consumed that evening, we STILL have 3 big bottles of Chardonnay, 3 of Merlot, and 8 bottles of Champagne left over. We’re definately covered for the coming Holidays.

Sunday (Sunny and the 50s, gods damn it!) was spent with family visits, as ‘s aunt and cousins were going to the airport that evening, and everyone else — her sister and brother-in-law, my two youngest kids, and my parents– were headed out the next morning.

Monday morning we put my kids on a plane back to Colorado — and obliged them in their request to listen to the Maidens Whymsie CD on the way to the airport. They wanted to hear Lady Wind, which MW had sung at our wedding, and, by the time we got to the airport, both kids were singing it.

and I then headed to Topeka — on the way to the airport we had heard that her Grandfather had passed away, and we joined the family there. Everyone shared the same comments with us: A wedding, followed by a death in the family — happiness and sadness. That’s life in microcosm, right there. And: We had picked the perfect time for the wedding, because it had the family gathered close, so they could be together when he passed. That’s a nice thought.

Yesterday, the two of us took the day off (No time or money for a honeymoon right away) — and spent the day spending some of our Wedding swag (gift certificates and such) in downtown Lawrence, and then caught a matinee of The Prestige (verdict: Brilliant. I had figured out one of the big “twists” during the earliest scenes, but the film still held my interest despite that). We finished up the day with a viewing of the first two episodes of Torchwood, which we both enjoyed quite a bit (it comes off very much like “BPRD: The TV Series”, which is cool with me).

So yeah — now things return to the normal routine. Thanks to everyone who shared the past few days with us, or who sent us good wishes.

Now — back to work.

12 Replies to “Back”

  1. That’s not a bad analogy at all, in my opinion.

    Congrats and hugs to you both. We did think of you on our drive down to Brce’s mother’s house and both wished you well and that we could’ve been there.

    Mazel tov!

  2. ago a porro quod gauisus vita una

    Though I’m pretty sure I’ve mangled the verb.

    Sounds like a wonderful day and I became genuinely happy for you reading it.

  3. It was a lovely ceremony! i am glad we were able to attend! Sorry that we were not able to stay longer at the reception (cold kids!) but it was great to see you both again on Monday evening! :)

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