The VA will allow pentacles to appear on Wiccan soldier’s gravestones.
Best quote of the story:
“This settlement has forced the Bush Administration into acknowledging that there are no second class religions in America, including among our nation’s veterans.”
Celebrate the incremental victories when they happen. Baby steps are still progress.
Fantastic. :-)
And I was also thrilled to note that the guy to whom your quote is attributed is listed as “Reverend Barry W. Lynn, director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which represented the Wiccans in the lawsuit.”
It’s always nice to see good Christians in the news, when the media tends instead to focus on the Extreme Right lunatics.
That’s certainly true, although Reverend doesn’t necessarily equate with “Christian.” I know some legal pagan ministers who use the title “Reverend.”
Really? I was given to understand that “Reverend” was a title more or less exclusive to the various Protestant denominations.
Not that I doubt what you say. Just surprised.
Ah, but will Pastafarians be able to get pirate flags on theirs?
About Barry W. Lynn
Some information on the Reverend Barry W. Lynn for you…