A Goal: London
I’m putting this down here (friends-locked) for two reasons: One, because I want to have a record of it — it makes it concrete, somehow. More ‘real.’ Two, because I’d like the people who can read this to know.
A bunch of reasons for this, really. We had always planned on doing *something* once The Minion was successfully launched into university. We talked about buying a house here in Lawrence, or moving back to NYC. Something.
However, from the time I was a little kid, I always said that that “when I grow up, I’m going to be a writer and live in London.” The thought has been nagging at me, recently — and then I started to ask myself “why not?”
Since the whole cancer thing earlier this year, I’ve been struck by the fact that I’m sick and tired of simply “existing” — I want to start “living.” I want to do the things that I’ve always said that I’m going to do….instead of drifting along on the simple day-to-day bullshit. You do that, and before you know it, you turn around and another decade has gone by. The medical scare that I was blessed with in January showed me conclusively that “another decade” isn’t always guaranteed. That if I want to start “living”, I had better get off my ass and do it.
So, the plan is: Bust my ass on Adamant and on launching a fiction career.
This gives us two years to get our ducks in a row, with a specific goal in mind: London in 2009, and, if all goes to plan, permanent residence and eventual naturalization by 2014, under the “writers, artists and musicians” visa.
So there you have it. Our goal. Friends here will have to put up with us for a couple more years, and friends in the UK have been adequately warned. :)